Fiberglass Chopped Strand Mat, a random fiber reinforcement designed for use with polyester and vinyl ester resin systems. Uses a styrene monomer soluble binder to hold strands in place, not compatible with epoxy resin systems. Use as basic laminate reinforcement and for gel coat backup to minimize weave print through and pin air bubbles. Chopped Strand Mat is available in a variety of weights and widths to suit a wide range of applications.
Fiberglass Chopped Strand Mat is used for medium strength parts where uniform cross section is desired and in combination woven reinforcements. Chopped Strand Mat conforms readily and is well suited to use for odd shaped parts. Chopped Strand Mat weight is specified in ounces per square foot. With Chopped Strand Mats as a general rule estimate the resin/reinforcement ratio at 2:1 by weight. Use weights per lineal yard to estimate resin requirements. When working with Chopped Strand Mat a Bubble Roller is generally necessary to compact the mat and remove trapped air bubbles, see Laminating Tools for various types of Bubble Rollers available.

Post time: Apr-28-2018